Minnesota Association of Agricultural Educators

What is MAAE?maae-officers-sm

The Minnesota Association of Agricultural Educators is an organization of teachers of agriculture at the high school, post-secondary, and adult levels who seek to advance agricultural education in Minnesota.

The MAAE strives to provide leadership opportunities, service, and advocacy for its members.

MAAE works cooperatively with the National Association of Agricultural Educators as "Professionals providing agricultural education for the global community through visionaryleadership, advocacy, and service."

These organizations seek to advance agricultural education and promote the professional interests and growth of agriculture teachers as well as recruit and prepare students who have a desire to teach agriculture. Membership benefits assist members in growing professionally and in becoming more effective agricultural educators. The MAAE and the NAAE are dedicated to developing professional pride, to nourishing a spirit of unity among teachers and to recognize members for conducting outstanding programs. The MAAE works with legislation affecting agricultural education in Minnesota and assists in the development of priorities and strategies to effect state and federal legislation and appropriations. The MAAE is affiliated with the National Association of Agricultural Educators, Inc., NAAE and the Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE). Our Students are members of the Minnesota FFA Association and the Minnesota Postsecondary Agricultural Student Organization.

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